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Інші назви: Розділ у колективній монографії
Автори: Бойчук, Петро Микитович
Фаст, Ольга Леонідівна
Мартинюк, Алла Петрівна
Дата публікації: 2019
Видавництво: Methodological culture of an educator: history and modernity : collective monograph / O. V. Kvas, O. Nevmerzhytska, M. V. Pahuta, I. O. Stashevska. Lviv-Toruń : Liha-Pres, 2019.
Серія/номер: ;Chapter 8
Короткий огляд (реферат): Based on the analysis of foreign sources on the problem of forming the research self-efficacy of doctoral candidates, it was found that this phenomenon is multifaceted and quite debatable. The experience of leading world-class universities shows that the process of improving scientific leadership, mentoring as educational institutions is important in the formation of doctoral candidates’ research self-efficacy. This has stimulated foreign scholars to seek new, alternative models for organizing 164postgraduate research leadership, including group supervision, as well as the potential of cohort-based pedagogies.Even though many scholars have suggested ways of improving research training in doctoral education, there has been a growing concern about the research competencies. Despite the emphasis on training doctoral students to become both scientists and practitioners, research supports the premise that doctoral students demonstrate low levels of research productivity. In summary, a student’s preparation and environment may have a significant impact on their research self-efficacy, research experience, teaching experience and interdisciplinary collaborations.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://localhost/jspui/handle/123456789/503
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