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dc.contributor.authorМарчук, Сергій Степанович-
dc.description.abstractThe theories of children's games are considered in the scientific inheritance of F. Frebel and K. Ushinskiy. The historical and pedagogical analysis of leading teachers works proves, that a game has an important value in physical, moral and mental development of children, it promotes their successful socialization. The important pedagogical conditions of children's games are determined by Frebel and Ushinskiy: adults have less need to intervene in a game, and less need to limit the time of games.uk_UA
dc.publisherCopyright by Innovatio Press Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyzszej Szcoly Economii i Innowacji w Lublinieuk_UA
dc.subjectchildren's gameuk_UA
dc.subjectoutdoor gamesuk_UA
dc.subjectF. Frebeluk_UA
dc.subjectK. Ushinskiyuk_UA
dc.subject«gifts» of Frebeluk_UA
dc.subjectplaying activityuk_UA
dc.subjectpreschool educationuk_UA
dc.titleChildren's games in pedagogical conceptions of F. Frebel and k. Ushinskiy : methodical aspectuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeНаукова статтяuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра загальної педагогіки, психології та методики початкової освіти

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